Unfamiliar Place - Luke Sawczak - Poetry

"We never spoke except to hear our voice upon the wind"
  ~from "Fire to the Flowers"

Jump to Notes on my Poetry

Poetry is what I do best. These twenty poems, which I selected out of over 700, are arranged in no particular order.

PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Truisme
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   She is a thing that worships air
         God Is
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Glade Confusion
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Abraham
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Fire to the Flowers
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Reticence
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   A Look Around
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   venus earth mars
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Hypothetical
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Faith alone is this
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Psychology of Infatuation
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Endnote
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Key to My House
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Fire by Friction
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Lazare
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   Speak Dancing to My Feet
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   An empty-field soul
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   liquid glass lotus
PDF Document   Word Document   Text Document   God's Soliloquy After the World

Writing poetry is probably my favourite thing to do when I have spare time. I hesitate to call my poetry anything really fantastic, but people seem to enjoy it. I like to imagine it's reminiscent of e.e. cummings, Emily Dickinson, and Bob Dylan, among other lyrical heroes.

Though my poems all tend to be a similar length (I usually write on one side of lined paper, in class), I try and vary the subjects as much as I can. That said, there are also a lot of themes that run through my verse. A psychologist would probably say something like, "These are the things that speak to your head, from your childhood experiences," and I'd reply, "Really? Oh, very interesting. Hmm, hmm..." and not think about it again.

They are things such as love, abandonment, faith, the past and the future; not to mention snow falling, rivers flowing, stars calling, green things growing, and other delightful rhymes.

I started seriously writing poetry in 2005; since then, I've written at least one or two a week, and currently have over 400 to my name, and I have also won or placed in several poetry contests for youth.

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©2011 Luke Sawczak.